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The press style used is in direct correlation to the end product. Press types are straight side, BG (back geared), geared, gap, OBI (open back inclinable), and OBS (open back stationary). Hydraulic and mechanical presses are classified by the frame the moving elements are mounted on. The most common are the gap-frame, also known as C-frame, and the straight side press. A straight side press has vertical columns on either side of the machine and eliminates angular deflection. A C-frame allows easy access to the die area on three sides and requires less floor space. A type of gap-frame, the OBI pivots the frame for easier scrap or part discharge. The OBS timed air blasts, devices, or conveyors for scrap or part discharge.
When stamping, it’s really about maximizing energy as opposed to how the machine can deliver tonnage. Up until recently, the way to increase tonnage between the die and workpiece on a mechanical press was through bigger machines with bigger motors.

A press release is an official statement delivered to members of the news media for the purpose of providing information, an official statement, or making an announcement. A press release is traditionally composed of nine structural elements, including a headline, introduction, body, and other information. Press releases can be delivered to members of the media physically on paper and electronically.
Using press release material can benefit media corporations because they help decrease costs and improve the amount of material a media firm can output in a certain amount of time. Due to the material being pre-packaged, press releases save journalists time, not only in writing a story, but also the time and money it would have taken to capture the news firsthand.
Although using a press release can save a company time and money, it constrains the format and style of distributed media. As well, press releases are biased towards the organization which ordered them.