Work in process
The features of Bangladesh Railway include the usage of several gauges and the division of the rail system by the Jamuna River, Brahmaputra into the Western Zone and the Eastern Zone of operations. Crossing the river is one bridge, the Jamuna Bridge which was completed in 2003.
The East Zone and the West Zone each have a General Manager who answers to the Director-General of the Railway Authority. Each zone has its own raft of departments for operation, maintenance, and finances. Each zone is divided into two divisions with departments for personnel, transportation, commercial, finance mechanical, way and works signaling, telecommunication, electrical and medical services.

The main research question is the problem of methodological approaches to the development of embankment arrangement projects. Recently, in our country, great importance has been attached not only to the improvement or reconstruction of embankments but also to comprehensively addressing many issues, such as the preservation of the historical heritage of our culture, ecology, safety, economy, multifunctionality, etc. The aim of the study is a systematic integrated approach to solving the tasks of arranging embankments, the proposed systems perform several functionals at once and allow them to solve environmental, technical, aesthetic, and economic problems. To solve the problem of arranging embankments, normative documents, domestic and foreign experience, innovative technologies, modern materials, and advanced methods for improving embankments were studied.
- To acquire by purchase, lease, exchange, or otherwise Maritime Resources, Park, Marine Housing, Exploration of all types of living and non-living resources at sea, hydrology, hydrography, oceanographic research, marine fishing, marine resources explorations, the building of any tenure or description situated in Bangladesh or elsewhere and any real estate or interest therein any rights thereon or connected with the lands so situated and to run the same to account as may seem expedient and in particular by preparing building sites and constricting apartments reconstruction, altering improving, decorating, furnishing and maintaining dwelling houses, apartments, as may be necessary or think fit.
- To carry on the business of real estate, housing, and apartment and carry on the business of Automobiles, Shipbreaking, Shipbuilding, mining, exploration, a seller of flats, apartment, buildings rooms, huts and to undertake the construction of a supermarket, shopping center, shopping complex, community centers, Smart solutions for port management, pollution control, search & rescue, shipyard, marine-related supply, logistics, trading, indenting, distributor, manufacturing, traffic control at sea and land, environmental protection, disaster & relief, solutions for airport management, electricity, water supply, sewerage installations and to deal with the same in any manner.
- To carry on business on Shipbuilding, ship breaking, ship chartering, shipping lines for inland & ocean-going, marine consultancy, stevedore, port berthing management, port equipment supply, installations & operations, maritime human resource development, shipping agent, container yard, Island development, dredging, river protection, land reclamation from river and sea, maritime tourism, maritime financing, maritime banking, marine insurances, altering improving, decorating, furnishing and maintaining dwelling houses, apartments, flats, office houses, warehouse, factories, markets, shopping centers, marketing and trading centers, market-cum-residential plaza or views shops, buildings, works and conveniences of different kinds and by leasing, lettering, hiring of all kinds and tenures by purchase and sale or dispose of land or building so constructed thereon by way of possession otherwise as may be necessary or think fit.
- To carry on all or any of the business of Hotel, Restaurant, Cafe, Refreshment room. To own for sales, purchase, commission agent, import, export, and of all kinds of electric & electronic goods. To carry on business as a Contractor at Roads & High way, Facilities Department, City Corporation, Pouroshava, Metropolitan, PWD, DMP, Defense Ministry, Bangladesh NAVY, Rail Ministry, Local Government Ministry of Bangladesh, Semi-Governments, Private Sector, NGO for design, finance, insure, build, own, operate and maintain Culvert, Bridge, Drainage System, Sand Filling, Building Construction, Railway Construction, Power plants for generation of electricity at different sites for Rural Electrification Board (REB) in Bangladesh and to acquire every sort of fuel required for such power generation from home and abroad.
- To carry on business in IT Consulting and System Integration Services, Cloud storage, Online storage, Domain name registration, Web hosting services, Renewable energy, training, and human resources development for IT, Artificial Intelligence(AI) & Robotics Technology, online auction, online content provider, Sync services, Wireless network, and Internet services worldwide. To carry on business in Assembling, manufacturing & production of AI and Robotics & their accessories, export& import, technology transfer, Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Energy produce from water & wind technology, JV with any suitable company, certifications, consultancy, testing & inspections, survey, audit, etc., Security Alarm Systems, Security and Access Card Systems and Equipment’s, Surveillances Video devices installation and services, electronics Signs and BillBoard, including importing and exporting all kind of press and silk-screen printing materials and products in Bangladesh and worldwide.
- To carry on the business of Integrated Security System, Defense Security System, Mineral resources, Mining, Coal & Stone mining, Artificial Security System, Robotics Technology, Drone Technology, Engineering security technology, Nomans land security technology, Aeronautical Security Technology System, Helicopter remote Security Technology and to arrange for the sale or let out of those to the general public or to hold it for their management. To act as Consultant for drawing schemes and preparing feasibility report for projects of all kinds such as Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical, Industrial, Mining, Metallurgical, Geological, Hydrological, Agricultural, Forestry, Livestock, Horticultural, Agricultural & Agrobased, Forestry, Livestock, Horticultural, Drainage, Sanitation, Water Supplytreatment and Town Planning.
- To Carry On Business of Aviation, Ground Handling, As Carrier Of The Passengers Who Is Going To Perform Holy Hajj In Mecca And Madina (Saudi Arabia) And To Arrange Fooding Lodging And Guiding The Other Works As Per Rule Of The Hajj With The Permission From The Government Of Bangladesh And Saudi Arabia. The Hajj Mission Of Hajjkafhela With The Intending Persons To Perform The Hajj In Holy Places In Saudi Arabia, Selling Air Tickets On Commission Basis, Aeronautical Engineering, Aviation Training Academy, Hotel Booking, Car Rental, Air Ticketing And Organizers Of Bangladesh And Foreign Travels By Air, Land, Sea, And River, Travel Agent, Tour Operator General Sales Agents Of Airlines And To Provide Tour Accommodation Facilities To Passengers. To Purchase, Hire, Charter, Aeroplan, Ship, Steamers, Luxury Coaches, Carrier, Automobiles for Travelers, Tourists Educational & Recreational Visitors for Home And Abroad.
- To mortgage the property and assets of the company as securities for loans and/or any credit facilities to be given to any associate company or companies or a third party and also to give guarantee securing liabilities of such associate company or companies and/or the third party.
- To attain the business objectives company may enter into Partnership, Joint-venture, take over, or Amalgamate with any other company and also to take Loans from Bank/other Financial Institutions in such a manner as the may company thinks fit.